Two new security and surveillance image sensors released by OmniVision
The OS02F10 and OS04B10 2-micronimage sensors from OmniVision Technologies are built with the company's OmniBSI pixel technology and each have a chief ray angle of 9°, which allows for thinner modules and wide-aperture lenses. The sensors are designed for use in security and surveillance cameras.
The OS02F10 is a 2 MPixel sensor with 1920 x 1080 resolution and can stream video at 30 fps. The sensor has a 1/4" optical format and a 4.9 x 3.0 mm chip scale package. The OS02F10 requires less than 120 mW to operate.
The OS04B10 is a 3.6 MPixel sensor with 2560 x 1440 resolution that can also stream video at 30 fps. The sensor has a 1/3" optical format and a 6.3 x 3.7 mm chip scale package. The OS04B10 requires less than 140 mW to operate.
To Learn More:
Headquarters: Santa Clara, CA, USA
Product:OS02F10 and OS04B10 image sensors
Key Features:9° chief ray angle, 30 fps streaming, 1080p or 2K resolution, low power requirements.
What OmniVision says:
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