
Calle Carboner 11
Paterna, Valencia 46980

More Info on photonicSENS

Simultaneous image and depth for millimetre and sub-millimetre-scale metrology and inspection. apiCAM Pro calculates the 6 DoF pose of a target from a single point view, in just one shot.

Products & Press Releases

Api Cam Pro

photonicSENS introduces apiCAM PRO industrial 3D camera

Captures image and depth to generate full point cloud from a single lens Paterna, SPAIN, 24th October 2022 - photonicSENS, the compact 3D camera single lens company announced ...
Oct. 25, 2022

Articles & News

Courtesy of photonicSENS
Vsd Api Cam Pro(1)

Single Lens Camera

Camera for depth and image perception, eliminating complex image/depth matching algorithms and multiple images at distinct positions.
Nov. 28, 2022

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