Manufactures embedded frame grabbers, cameras, and computer imaging systems with Windows or Linux software for machine-vision: software tools for programmers and complete applications for end-users also runs on ARM processors.
SILICON VIDEO 1C45 (color) and 1M45 (monochrome) are 1 megapixel progressive scan cameras with a resolution of 1280 horizontal × 960 vertical, 12 bit pixels.
Robot/drone Dual camera link grabber for 2280 M.2x4 M slot in desktop/Nuc/PC/Nvidia. Connect two 5 to 250 megapixel cameras & grab image data at 1370 megabytes/s. Use with...
Embedded full camera link frame grabber plugs into a 2280 M.2 x 4 M slot in Xavier NX, Nano, Xavier, Nuc. Case option for tbolt laptop. Connect base/medium/full camera link camera...
Small, embedded frame grabber that captures from Full or Dual Base camera link cameras.Available with ribbon cables that can plug directly into a camera with an SDR connector ...
Embedded Image Capture and Processing from EPIX, Inc.PCI Express gen 2 x 4 frame grabber captures into Nvidia TX2 memory from 1 to 4 camera link cameras.Uses the TX2 for image...