The C4190 is our most technically advanced, ruggedized, progressive scan digital camera intended for machine vision, surveillance, reconnaissance, aerospace, aerial imaging and intelligent traffic systems. The C4190 incorporates a number of unique features tailored to reduce system complexity, maximize interface bandwidth, and expand the usable operational range.The C4190 features the ON Semiconductor Python NOIP1xx012KA Global Shutter CMOS image sensor with a native resolution of 4096 x 3072 in a 4/3” optical format delivering up to 160 frames per second with a 4-channel CXP-6 CoaXPress® output. CMOS technology eliminates smear columns from areas of ultra-bright intensity and specular reflections in uncontrolled lighting applications. The camera has excellent sensitivity, fast frame rates, exceptional dynamic range and supports strobe outputs, trigger inputs, automatic exposure, automatic gain control with multiple LUTs, and other high-value functions.The Imperx Cheetah line provides excellent image quality with Imperx proprietary processing. In addition, Imperx puts you in control and gives you full access to raw data without corrections. Using the simple, intuitive GenICamTM compliant user interface, you can quickly apply image corrections, if desired. The C4190’s flexibility, image quality, and speed make it suitable for a broad range of diverse and demanding applications, but “one size doesn’t fit all,” and Imperx can help optimize the camera to your exact requirements.
CMOS Cameras