As an extension of the HR camera series, SVS-Vistek presents the hr65CX12. This camera impresses with a high resolution of 9,344 x 7,000 pixels as well as an extremely powerful interface: Four CoaXPress-12 connections transmit up to 12.5 Gbps per line and thus ensure that the extensive image data of up to 71 fps are available for further processing in the PC without delays.
A special technical highlight of the hr65CX12 is a Global Shutter, which distinguishes the new SVS-Vistek HR camera from numerous other High-Resolution cameras. In contrast to cameras with Rolling Shutter, Global Shutter cameras, in which all pixels are exposed and read out simultaneously, considerably simplify image acquisition and evaluation of moving objects.
Like all SVCams, the hr65CX12 has a 4-channel strobe controller integrated in the GenICam tree and is suitable for easy combination with all common software packages on the market by using the GenTL standard. Numerous other industrial-grade hardware and software features such as ROI, LUT, binning, offset, lens shading correction, an industrial TTL-24V 4I/O interface with SafeTrigger function, programmable logic functions, sequencer, timer, an RS232 interface and Power over CXP make SVS-Vistek's new hr65CX12 a promising candidate for use in a wide range of industrial applications requiring both High-Speed and High-Resolution.
About SVS-Vistek:
As an innovative manufacturer of high-quality industrial cameras, SVS-Vistek ( has had exceptional know-how in machine vision for more than 35 years. The company develops and produces a wide range of standard cameras as well as cameras with the highest resolutions and speeds, above-average image quality and all relevant interfaces. With high-performance components such as lenses, illuminators, filters, frame grabbers and cables, SVS-Vistek supports customers in the realization of economical, individual solutions for a wide range of industries.