Contrast Inc

6100 Uptown Blvd NE Suite 560
Albuquerque, NM 87110
United States

More Info on Contrast Inc

Contrast advances the technological landscape through the art of optical design and complete-system implementation. Our passion for developing imaging solutions inspired our smart camera line, featuring patented, real-time HDR technology.

Products & Press Releases

Via Vst 8mm Left Facing Trans

VIA Smart Camera

Contrast’s baseline 4K camera is the smart choice for any artificial intelligence, neural network, or machine learning vision application. Feed your own IP to this powerful beast...
Jan. 27, 2021
Arc Vst 8mm Left Facing Trans

ARC HDR Camera

True, live High-Dynamic Range video that fits in the palm of your hand. Boasting over 13 stops of dynamic range, this compact 4K video camera will capture more light than ever...
Jan. 27, 2021
Lux Vst 8mm Left Facing Trans

LUX HDR Camera

Extreme HDR is the best way to describe LUX. Day or night—by land, air or subsea—LUX’s live HDR video reveals the existence of details unseen by other “HDR” cameras until now....
Jan. 27, 2021

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