Emitted Energy

6559 Diplomat Dr
Sterling Heights, MI 48314
United States

More Info on Emitted Energy

Infrared thermal technology company specializing in process heating, thermal machine vision, and process control automation. Platinum FLIR Partner and top automation distributor and integrator in North America.

Products & Press Releases

Process Control, Automated Inspection, Early Fire Detection, Condition Monitoring

TPMS (Thermal Process Monitoring System)

A complete process monitoring solution through integrated thermal imaging systems. With real-time infrared thermal data collection and designed software intelligence, these systems...
Jan. 3, 2019
FLIR A6xx Series

FLIR A6650

The FLIR A6600 is an infrared camera typically used for high-speed infrared machine vision applications requiring highly accurate temperature measurements, where 640x512 resolution...
Jan. 3, 2019
FLIR A6xx Series


The FLIR A315 is an infrared camera typically used for high-end infrared machine vision applications requiring highly accurate temperature measurements and when 640x480 is sufficient...
Jan. 3, 2019
FLIR A3xx Series


An affordable and accurate temperature measurement solution for anyone who needs to solve problems that need built-in “smartness” such as analysis, alarm functionality and autonomous...
Jan. 3, 2019
FLIR A3xx Series


The FLIR A315 is an infrared camera typically used for high-end infrared machine vision applications requiring highly accurate temperature measurements and when 320x240 is sufficient...
Jan. 3, 2019

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