High-Resolution Lenses

CCTV and Machine Vision Lens Assemblies

Standard and custom CCTV lens assemblies for image capture, barcode scanning, night vision systems, medical systems, hi-speed imaging, machine vision and robotics vision.
July 1, 2020

Universe offers a full line of C and Cs style CCTV lenses available from stock. All formats, including hard to find 1″ optics are here. We only handle premium all-glass lenses, many of our own design and manufacture. We carry many specialty lenses as well, including right angle, pinhole and motor or manual zoom. Please call us to discuss your specific application as we do not list on our website all the products we carry. We also provide filters, step rings, and many adapters to meet your C-mount imaging needs. As always, Universe is willing and able to perform any custom barrelling or aperture changes that you require.

Applications Include: – Image capturing, barcode scanning, night-vision systems, medical systems, hi-speed imaging, machine and robotics vision systems.

Click here for more information.

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