
InLine Fiber Optic Polarizer with High Output Polarization Extinction Ratio (PER)

March 4, 2022

Lfiber's in-line fiber optic polarizer with high extinction ratio (460nm 630nm 780nm 850nm 980nm 1064nm 1310nm 1550nm 2000nm) is a fiber polarization device which enables the transmission of one particular state of polarization (SOP) and suppresses the transmission of the orthogonal state. It is therefore commonly used to fix a polarization state in an optical system or to analyze the SOP of an optical wave. A fiber optical polarizer is one of the fundamental components in many fiber systems that are highly dependent on the polarization of the light guided by the optical fiber. Lfiber’s in-line fiber optical linear polarizers feature low loss, ultra high ER, high stability and reliability.

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