CCD Cameras


Jan. 3, 2011
The thermoelectrically cooled ProEM-HS family of cameras incorporates back-illuminated electron- multiplying CCDs (EMCCDs) with proprietary eXcelon3 technology. These state-of-the-art imaging and spectroscopy format EMCCD cameras enable a wide variety of low-light-level applications for scientific research and industrial R&D.ProEM EMCCD camera systems include the following key features:Patented eXcelon3 technology for highest UV-to-NIR sensitivityUnique vacuum technology backed by a lifetime guaranteeHighest resolution with 10 um, 1M pixel EMCCDSpectra-kinetics mode and ultra-high-speed readout modeLinearized EM gain calibration via OptiCAL with built-in light sourceIndustry-standard, high speed GigE interfacePowerful 64-bit LightField software

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