Data Acquisition Software

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NorPix Inc

NorPix is the leading developer of digital video recording software and solutions for high-speed video recording using either single or multiple cameras.
Provided by Avantier
Avantier 25th Logo

Avantier Inc

Is an unparalleled leader in providing custom optical systems solutions. We offer advanced precision custom optical design, optical engineering, optical lens assembly, rapid optical...

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Euresys Oct 2024 Catalog

Euresys 2024 Catalog

Euresys is a leading and innovative high-tech company, designer, and provider of image and video acquisition components, frame grabbers, image analysis software, and FPGA IP Cores...
Zygo Verifire Interferometer

Optical Surface Accuracy

Optical surface accuracy refers to the difference between the actual shape and the desired shape of an optical surface. It is a crucial aspect of optical components and is typically...
Whats App Image 2023 07 13 At 10 05 31 Pm 768x195

Optical Tolerances: Impact and Costs

Optical TolerancesIn real manufacturing, a certain amount of error will unpreventably occur between the measured value and the designed value. In terms of measurement, the difference...