Sapera Processing is at the heart of Sapera Vision Software delivering a suite of image processing and artificial intelligence functions which include the following:
- Basic image processing primitives such as filtering, morphology, geometry and point-to-point operations.
- Image analysis tools such as barcode reading/grading, pattern matching (search), OCR, color analysis, camera calibration for lens distortion correction, 2D/3D measurement and blob analysis functions.
- Artificial intelligence (AI) inference based on models imported from AstrocyteTM training tool.
- 3D processing, analysis and measurement functions to operate on data from Z-Trak 3D sensor or any third-party 3D device.
Sapera Processing also offers a suite of demo programs showing how to integrate acquisition from Teledyne devices via Sapera LT.
Key Features
- Hardware independent, image acquisition, image processing/analysis and artificial intelligence library
- Supports Area-scan and Line-scan, monochrome and color, 2D and 3D cameras
- Power tools for tasks like image recognition, object identification, 2D/3D measurement, machine guidance, surface inspection, object segmentation, object tracking and others
- Designed for machine vision OEMs, System Integrators and End users
- Modular components supporting C++ and .NET languages
- Multi-Core optimization supported on single or multiple CPU configurations
- User-friendly non-programming graphical environment to quickly prototype and test drive application specific imaging tools
Key Benefits
- Extensive camera and frame-grabber support
- Industrial strength algorithms ensure accuracy and reliability
- Cost effective solution for inspection, identification, guidance and measurement applications
- Solution to very complex vision tasks involving highly varying environment
- Upgrade with no code change given code and binary backward compatibility