Image Compression Software

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NorPix Inc

NorPix is the leading developer of digital video recording software and solutions for high-speed video recording using either single or multiple cameras.
Provided by Avantier
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Avantier Inc

Is an unparalleled leader in providing custom optical systems solutions. We offer advanced precision custom optical design, optical engineering, optical lens assembly, rapid optical...

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Image Analysis & Processing at Avantier

Most images nowadays are recorded in digital form. From a mathematical point of view, they are just 2-dimensional or multidimensional arrays containing values of pixel signals...
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Lossless Image Compression Example

For storage and transmission of large image files it is desirable to reduce the file size.For consumer-grade images this is achieved by lossy image compression when image details...

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CUDA JPEG Compression library

CUDA JPEG Compression: C/C++ library using CUDA based GPU for real time JPEG compression.Compress in real time in lossy JPEG.
Web Streamer module.

Web Streamer Encoder

- Stream HD to the web from your machine vision camera. - Accelerated H.264 compression using either CPU or GPU. - View directly in your browser or tablet.
PrePost looping

StreamPix 7-Pre/Post looping multi camera trouble shooting.

Multi camera trouble shooting system with prepost triggering on all cameras at speed ranging from 30 to 1,850 fps per camera. Records directly to disk for long recording time,...