Biophotonic Sensors: Advances and Applications

July 19, 2024

Biophotonic Sensors

Biophotonic sensors and systems are optical devices that can provide point-of-care diagnostics for medical practitioners and health researchers. They enable researchers to detect, sense, identify, and understand biological systems at the cellular/sub-cellular level, giving them a new understanding of biological processes, conditions, and molecular changes. 

Biophotonics is a rapidly growing field, and optical designers and researchers are constantly developing new ways of achieving high-quality imaging, more sensitive detection, and more comprehensive analysis.  Medical advances powered by photonics technologies include breakthroughs in disease diagnosis, food & water safety, and drug efficacy testing.  Some involve Here we’ll look at a few biophotonic advances and how they’re already making a difference to medical diagnostics and research.

To read the entire article, visit Avantier's website. 

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