Embedded Vision

Euresys Releases Image Processing Tools for Embedded Vision

April 27, 2022
2 min read

Euresys announced that its Open eVision Libraries are now available for embedded systems, allowing integrators and engineers to deploy processing at the point of image acquisition. Beyond running on x86 processors, Open eVision 22.04 also runs on ARMv8-A compatible processors running 64-bit Linux, such as Raspberry Pi, Nvidia Jetson, and Xilinx Kria K26 SOM, as well as some smart cameras, including ADLink Neon-2000, IDS NXT rio, Lucid Triton Edge, and Baumer AX Series. The new release also includes improvements in the 3D libraries, such as increased Easy3DMatch sensitivity through Normals comparison, EpointCloudFilter to filter out noise in a point cloud, 3DViewer shapes to materialize geometric features, and Eye Dome Lighting (EDL) in 3DViewer to improve 3D rendering of images. Other improvements include a Pharmacode reader and an OEM Keys extension to protect applications using Euresys Neo dongles.

To Learn More:

Contact: Euresys

Headquarters: Seraing, Belguim

Product: Open eVision 22.04

Key Features: Runs on ARMv8-A compatible processors running 64-bit Linux, Runs on some smart cameras, Includes improvements in 3D libraries

What Euresys says: View more information on Open eVision 22.04

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