Built with Intel 6th Gen Core i7/i5/i3 processors and H110 platform controller hub chipset, the Nuvo-5501 embedded computer from Neousys measures only 221 x 173 x 76 mm. The Nuvo-5501 also features an LGA 1151 socket, providing users with the flexibility to select a 35W CPU from 6th Gen Intel Core I Celeron processor to suit their application needs. Additionally, the embedded computer features a front-accessible I/O design and the following ports: three GigE, four USB 3.0, two USB 2.0, four COM, one VGA, one DVI-D, 8-CH isolated DI, and 8-CH isolated DO. Nuvo-5501 also has an internal mini-PCIe socket to support Wi-Fi and Internet of Things applications.
To Learn More:
Contact:Neousys Technology
Headquarters: Taipei, Taiwan
Product: Nuvo-5501 embedded computer
Key Features: Intel 6th Gen Core i7/i5/i3 processor, 221 x 173 x 76 mm footprint, three GigE, four USB 3.0, two USB 2.0, four COM, one VGA, and additional I/O.
What Neousys Technology says:
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