Factory Automation
Pentium climbs onto PC/104
Pentium climbs onto PC/104
Based on a 166-MHz Pentium CPU and a PCI-enhanced version of PC/104, the Little Board/P5i measures 5.75 ¥ 8 in. Designed for embedded systems, the board features four serial ports, one parallel port, floppy and enhanced IDE drives, PCI Ultra SCSI, Ethernet, and a GUI-accelerated VGA display controller. Development of an on-board 2-mm self-stacking connector allows a combination of 8- and 16-bit (ISA) PC/104 modules and 32-bit (PCI) PC/104-Plus modules to co-exist in the same stack. In addition to PC operating systems, the board supports PC ports of QNX, VxWorks, pSOS, OS-9000, Lynx-OS, and Phar-Lap`s TNT embedded tool suite. Ampro Computers, 990 Almanor Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086; (408) 522-2100.