Featuring an industrialmachine vision camera and a touchscreen control unit, the PROMON SCOPE G2 from AOS Technologies is designed to temporarily monitor industrial processes for troubleshooting. The control unit is a touchscreen device that pilots the recording, playback, or export of data from the camera. PROMON SCOPE G2 is available with a color, monochrome, or NIR PROMON 501 camera module, which is based on a 2/3" CMOS image sensor with a 5.5 µm pixel size that can achieve a frame rate of 80 fps at 2048 x 1088 (2.2 MPixels). The control unit features a built-in and replaceable lithium-ion battery that can operate for up to 2 hours without recharge, as well as a solid-state disk system that records sequences for 40 minutes, with an option to extend up to 80 minutes. Additionally, the system features a spare battery, docking station, extended battery pack, accessory kit with LED illumination, and motion analysis software with automatic tracking features.
To Learn More:
Contact:AOS Technologies
Headquarters: Baden Daettwil, Switzerland
Product: PROMON SCOPE G2 high-speed image streaming system
Key Features: 2.2 MPixel machine vision camera with CMOS image sensor and 80 fps frame rate, touchscreen battery-powered control unit that pilots recording, playback, or export of data from the camera.
What AOS Technologies says:
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