VDMA and VDI collaborate on development of machine vision specifications
Designed to serve suppliers and users ofmachine vision, a new standard for which the VDMA has partnered with the VDI Association of German Engineers provides guidelines for machine vision system design.
VDI/VDE/VDMA Part 2 "Machine Vision – Guideline for the Preparation of a Requirement Specification and a System Specification," is a guideline that is specifically geared to helpsystems integrators prepare requirement and systems specifications covering all issues relevant for later project management.
The VDI/VDE Society Measurement and Automatic Control of the Association of German Engineers (VDI) partnered with the VDMA to jointly disseminate specifications for machine vision, with an eye toward future projects as well.
"We are currently working on yet another standard concerning the acceptance test of classifying machine vision systems," said Michael Heizmann, chairman of the expert committee on machine vision at the VDI/VDE Society Measurement and Automatic Control. "We are pleased that the VDMA is motivating its members to become active in this body because we want to prepare concepts for this important issue that are not only scientifically sound but are also practice-oriented."
Heiko Frohn, CTO of Vitronic and board member of VDMA Machine Vision, also commented on the cooperation.
"Our employees are active in VDMA and VDI committees. The well structured cooperation of both organisations prevents duplication of effort and creates synergies. The result is gratifying: I am not aware of any other standard for the communication between providers and users of machine-vision systems worldwide that is as open, accessible and as broadly accepted. I am pleased that in this important issue we are all pulling in the same direction."
The new specification is published by the VDI/VDE Society Measurement and Automatic Control and is available in a German and English edition.
View more information on thestandard here.
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James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.