Datalogic has released a new line of barcode scanners, the 2K series, which feature the DS2100N and DS2400N short range laser scanners. The DS2100N features a scan rate of 1000 scans/s, a reading range of 30 to 310 mm, and a maximum resolution of 0.12 mm. The DS2400N features a scan rate of 1000 scans/s, a reading range of 60 to 600 mm, and a maximum resolution of 0.20 mm. Both models feature an intuitive X-PRESS human machine interface, IP65 housing, and onboard PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, and Ethernet TCP/IP communications. The new barcode scanners are suitable for use in OEM manufacturing and automated warehousing environments.
To Learn More:
Headquarters: Bologna, Italy
Product: 2K series of barcode scanners.
Key Features: Laser scanning technology, onboard PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, and Ethernet TCP/IP communications, X-PRESS human machine interface.
What Datalogic says:
View more information on the DS2100N series.
View more information on the DS2400N series.
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