Vision Systems Technology has announced the availability of the VL series of cameras with the launch of its 8K and 16K line scan cameras. The VL-8KC-mono is an 8,096 pixel camera operating at a 77 KHz line rate, while the VL-16KC-mono is a 16,384 pixel camera operating at a 40 KHz readout rate. VL cameras measure just 80 x 80 x 54 mm and weigh just 420g, making them suitable for integration into tight spaces. In addition, the cameras feature an M72 x .75 lens mount, which allows the use of off-the-shelf lenses. Both cameras feature CMOS image sensors and are suitable for use in scanning applications, including PCB, BGA, wire frame, and web inspection. Vision Systems Technology will showcase these cameras at SPIE Photonics West 2014 in San Francisco from February 1-6.
SPIE Photonics West 2014 booth number: 5613
To Learn More:
Contact:Vision Systems Technology
Headquarters: San Diego, CA, USA
Product: VL camera series
Key Features:CMOS image sensors, 8,096 pixel camera operating at a 77 KHz line rate (VL-8KC-mono), 16,384 pixel camera operating at a 40 KHz readout rate (VL-16KC-mono).
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