Kinect system tracks construction workers to analyze on-the-job movements
University of Calgary (Calgary, Canada) researchers have developed a system around the Microsoft Kinect sensor that can be used to track construction workers.
The automated real-time system could used evaluate how much time construction workers spend on the job as well as their performance. It could also be used to differentiate site personnel, track construction worker location and their movements in a specified work area.
The tracking system captures RGB images and depth data from the Kinect sensor, after which a tracking algorithm that uses the skeletonised figures from the sensor and the shape and color of the hardhat worn by the worker are used to detect their locations and movements.
The main drawback of this system is the distance limitation of the Kinect sensor. Because the depth information can be generated only within 4m from the camera, the system will only work in indoor working environments.
The researchers presented the results of their work at the Construction Research Congress 2012, a leading research conference in the area of construction engineering and management, held in West Lafayette in May.
A copy of the paper they presented there is available here.
-- Dave Wilson, Senior Editor, Vision Systems Design