International vision standards meeting spring 2018: New standards in machine vision
From May 14 to 18 in Frankfurt, Germany; more than 140 machine vision and imaging professionals from around the world gathered to work on standards for machine vision and to discuss potential projects going forward.
Hosted by Silicon Software in cooperation with VDMA Machine Vision—and held at the VDMA building—the event resulted in all working groups making significant progress in their respective areas. This included the G3-accepted standards of GenICam, GigE Vision, CoaXPress, Camera Link, Camera Link HS, USB3 Vision and VDI/VDE/VDMA 2632, as well as the VDMA OPC Vision Initiative – the latest G3 standardization project.
"The IVSM in Frankfurt was the breakthrough for the CLHS / CoaXPress Roadmap Committee," said Dr. Klaus-Henning Noffz, CEO of Silicon Software GmbH and member of the Board of VDMA Machine VisionOur report with detailed descriptions for cooperation of CoaXPress and CLHS was accepted as basis by both standards. It enables a common connector roadmap of high-speed interfaces for fiber optical transmission."
During the Future Standards Forum, updates from the working groups were reported in a plenary session, and potential new standardization projects were discussed, including a new camera interface for embedded vision and a new communication interface for lenses (both proposed by EMVA) or the status-quo of the CCRC (CLHS / CXP Roadmap Committee).
The G3 group includes the Automated Imaging Association (AIA), China Machine Vision Union (CMVU), European Machine Vision Association (EMVA), Japan Industrial Imaging Association (JIIA) and the VDMA division Machine Vision (VDMA MV). The group’s goal is to develop globally-accepted standards and to prevent duplication of standardization efforts. Twice a year, technical experts meet in Asia, America and Europe for joint work and coordination according to a rotating system. The next IVSM will take place in Austin, TX, USA in fall 2018, hosted by National Instruments.
Download the Global Vision Standards brochure.
View more information on the VDMA Machine Vision group.
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About the Author
James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.