Consumer Packaged Goods
Scan sensor runs at 25 MHz
Scan sensor runs at 25 MHz
The IL-CC CCD linescan sensor`s single output provides a data rate specified up to 25 MHz, with maximum line rates to 45.5 kHz. Available in 512-, 1024-, and 2048-pixel resolutions, with 14 ¥ 14-µm pixel pitch and 100% fill factor, the IL-CC ensures that the occasional bright spot on an object does not wash out adjacent pixels. Using buried-channel CCD shift registers for charge transfer, applications include one/two-dimensional symbology, document scanning, machine vision, barcode scanning, and optical character recognition. Dalsa Inc., 605 McMurray Rd., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 2E9; (519) 886-6000; Fax: (519) 886-8023.