SPIE Photonics West 2020 brings new and interesting developments in photonics and lasers into focus
From February 1 to 6, SPIE Photonics West 2020 expects to draw more than 22,000 researchers, technology developers, and buyers from around the globe to the world's largest conference and exhibition on optics and photonics, where attendees will discuss and learn about the latest products, market insights, technologies, and technical presentations.
At the Moscone Center in San Francisco, attendees will have access to more than 5,200 technical papers, 65 course and workshops, plenary speakers, an expanded industry program, and numerous networking events. Photonics West 2020 also offers two major international exhibitions (BiOS Expo and Photonics West Exhibition) and three conferences (BiOS, LASE, and OPTO). Additionally, the event’s application tracks focus in on three key technologies:
· Brain/neuro research
· Translational research
· 3D printing
Photonics West 2020 exhibition
The Photonics West exhibition (http://bit.ly/VSD-PWE20) runs February 4 to 6 and will feature approximately 1,300 companies, many of which will debut new products on the show floor. Companies will showcase the latest components, devices, and systems for research or business needs related to photonics and lasers.
Featured technologies will include lasers and other lighting products; laser systems and accessories; cameras, fiber optic components, equipment, and systems; optical components; communication; optical detectors; high-speed imaging and sensing; optical materials and substrates; infrared sources and detectors; optical coatings; lenses and filters; positions and mounts; metrology; software for design and simulation; and spectroscopic/microscopic imaging.
BiOS takes place during the first weekend, with conference sessions beginning early in the morning on February 1. Conferences (http://bit.ly/VSD-BIOS) will continue through Wednesday night. Conference program tracks will focus on:
· Photonic therapeutics and diagnostics
· Neurophotonics, neurosurgery, and optogenetics
· Clinical technologies and systems
· Tissue optics, laser-tissue interaction, and tissue engineering
· Biomedical spectroscopy, microscopy, and imaging
· Nano/biophotonics
Meanwhile, the BiOS Expo exhibit hall opens the morning of Saturday February 1 and runs through Sunday night. The expo will feature more than 200 companies showcasing their biomedical optics products, systems, and software. Featured technologies will include biomedical optics, lasers, molecular imaging, therapeutic lasers, nano/biophotonics, biosensors, and spectroscopic/microscopic imaging.
LASE, the industrial laser, laser source, and laser application conference will highlight such topics as laser source engineering, nonlinear optics, laser manufacturing, laser micro-/nanoengineering, 3D fabrication, and materials processing, among others. Technical conference tracks (http://bit.ly/VSD-LASE) will include:
· Laser sources
· Nonlinear optics and beam guiding
· Micro/nano applications
· Macro applications
OPTO, the optoelectronics, photonic materials and device conference, is set to cover topics including silicon photonics, photonic crystals, optoelectronics, semiconductor lasers, nanophotonics, as well as quantum technologies for information, sensing, materials, and dots. Technical conference tracks (http://bit.ly/VSD-OPTO)
· Optoelectronic materials and devices
· Photonic integration
· Nanotechnologies in photonics
· MOEMS-MEMS in photonics
· Advanced quantum and optoelectronic applications
· Semiconductor lasers and LEDs
· Displays and holography
· Optical communications (devices to systems)
· 3D printing
Co-located once again with Photonics West, the third annual augmented, virtual, and mixed reality conference (AR, VR, MR; http://bit.ly/VSD-ARVR) offers attendees presentations and demonstrations from known industry names in consumer electronics and up-and-coming XR companies. The three-day event also includes a new technical program, invited industry talks, panel discussion, a student optical design challenge, courses, an expo and demonstrations, and networking opportunities.
Event highlights
Whether attending Photonics West 2020 or just curious what the event has in store for this year, SPIE also compiled a list of the top 9 things to do while there:
1. Listen to plenary sessions and BiOS hot topics.
2. Hear from the Prism Award winners.
3. Check out the new Entrepreneur Program and Venture Summit.
4. Hone your skills at the SPIE Career Summit.
5. See the expanded SPIE AR, VR, MR event.
6. Catch some of the equity, diversity, and inclusions events.
7. Take a course from OCT co-inventor James Fujimoto.
8. Hear Nobel Laureate Eric Betzig speak at the BiOS Plenary.
9. See the Startup Challenge final pitches for healthcare and deep learning.
About the Author

James Carroll
Former VSD Editor James Carroll joined the team 2013. Carroll covered machine vision and imaging from numerous angles, including application stories, industry news, market updates, and new products. In addition to writing and editing articles, Carroll managed the Innovators Awards program and webcasts.