Four DSPs ride the VME bus Providing 6400 MIPs of on-board processing and a 1-Gbyte/s I/O
Four DSPs ride the VME bus Providing 6400 MIPs of on-board processing and a 1-Gbyte/s I/O bandwidth, the Monaco VME64 master/slave digital-signal processor (DSP) board combines four 200-MHz TMSC6201 processors in a shared-memory architecture with two VME interfaces. Each C201 processor is supported by a bank of 800-Mbyte/s synchronous-burst SRAMs and 400-Mbyte/s synchronous DRAMs on its high-speed port. Each processing node also shares a bank of 512k ¥ 32-bit global shared asynchronous SRAMs. The primary dataflow interface supports VME64 master and slave modes, and a secondary interface allows direct access to all the C6201s. Spectrum Signal Processing, Suite 100, 8525 Baxter Place, Burnaby, BC, VSA 4V7 Canada; (604) 421-5422; Fax: (604) 421-1764.