Free seminars explain how to get the best from optical microscopes
MARCH 28--Syncroscopy (Cambridge, UK, and Frederick, MD; is offering six free seminars at venues across the UK. The intensive one-day program will provide professional guidance on obtaining high performance from optical microscopes, which could save users many hours of painstaking work.
The seminars are taking place at selected areas on the following dates this year: Liverpool, April 24; Edinburgh, June 20; Birmingham, September 11; Cardiff, October 23; Southampton, December 4, and next year in Nottingham, February 26. The program, which runs from 10 am until 4 pm, is in two sections. In the morning, there are presentations from Syncroscopy's experts on digital-camera technology plus solutions for overcoming depth-of-field and resolution problems. In the afternoon, users have the opportunity to see and ask questions about a wide variety of real, sample specific applications in smaller, more-focused workshops.
To attend one of the seminars, e-mail your preferred date and area with your organization's details to [email protected].