Leica FluoScout is an onlinesoftware tool that enables users of fluorescence microscopes to determine the optimal filter cube or filter set for achieving ideal imaging results. FluoScout makes the matching of the light source, the fluorophores, and the filter cubes easy by recommending filter cubes based on the users’ choice of fluorophore. With one click on the quotation cart, users can request offers for selected filter cubes. Smart functions of FluoScout include a zoom function for a detailed view of spectra, ability to switch on and off single spectra to get an overview of the feature you want to see, measurement of transmission and emission by use of a slider, and quick help tools.
To Learn More:
Contact:Leica Microsystems
Headquarters: Wetzlar, Germany
Product: Leica FluoScout
Key Features: Recommends optimum filter cube and filter cube based on fluorophores, visible light spectrum shown for permanent orientation, zoom function for a detailed view of spectra.
What Leica Microsystems says:
View more information on the Leica FluoScout software.
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