CR Technology expands facilities
CR Technology (Aliso Viejo, CA;, a manufacturer of automated vision and x-ray inspection systems for semiconductor and electronics manufacturers, has expanded its worldwide headquarters by 30% to meet the demand for its line of vision and x-ray inspection systems. The new 26,000-sq ft facility accommodates the growing sales generated by the printed-circuit-board assembly and semiconductor-packaging industries.
The decision to expand the company's facility was driven by the increasing market acceptance and sales of automated optical inspection and x-ray systems. The additional square footage will be utilized to expand all departments, including R&D, sales, manufacturing, and purchasing. The larger manufacturing area will allow for an increase in production while shortening lead times. In addition, R&D efforts will be ramped up in the facility as the company designs and develops new technologies. A new demonstration and conference center will also be part of the expansion.
In the next several months, CR Technology will be increasing its work force by approximately 47%. The hiring of new personnel in sales, manufacturing, and customer support ensures that the company has the staff required to sustain increased sales and deliver quality AOI and x-ray systems.
"We have completed this expansion in anticipation of customers' needs and the growth of the market," says Richard Amtower, president, CR Technology.