X-ray system checks mushrooms in China
A Chinese food manufacturer recently installed an x-ray inspection system from Mettler Toledo (Zurich, Switzerland) to inspect bottled mushrooms at its plant in Zhangzhou in Fujian Province.
The Zhangzhou Gang Chang Can Food Company installed the Mettler Toledo GlassCheK system to detect contaminants such as glass, stone, metal and plastic in the jars, regardless of their size or location.
Aside from identifying contaminants, the system can also check the fill level of the jars and ensure that they are closed correctly.
The production line is currently running at speeds of 300 jars per minute, with plans to increase it to 600 jars per minute in the near future.
The inspection system has now been in use for over four months, and the Chinese company is now considering a second x-ray system for another production line which will handle glass jars containing meat, fruit and vegetables.
-- Posted Vision Systems Design