Radar gets a VME interface Designed for a phased array-radar antenna, the VME-based Virgo-A is a
Radar gets a VME interface Designed for a phased array-radar antenna, the VME-based Virgo-A is a 6U format board that accepts 4-bit parallel radar data and serial azimuth data. The azimuth angle is used as an address into intermediate memory for storing radar data received from any direction. Multiple sweeps from the same direction are accumulated using a peak-picking algorithm to ensure no data are lost. Radar data from intermediate memory are transferred to a Vantage scan converter board to achieve real-time display updates with minimum latency. Radar data are then reformatted to fill the polar image store on the Vantage board. Primagraphics, New Cambridge House, Litlington, Nr. Royston, Herts. SG8 OSS, England; 1763-852222; Fax: 1763-853324.