IEEE conference highlights machine vision topics in video and signal-based surveillance
The 8th annual IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS) will be held at Klagenfurt University (Klagenfurt, Austria), August 30 to September 2, 2011. The conference will bring together participants from research, industry, and government agencies. The focus will be on several key areas: a) security and safety; b) smart and simulated environments; c) multi- dimensional signal processing; d) reactive sensor networks and multimedia; e) pattern recognition, computer vision, and machine learning; f) multi-sensor data fusion and architectures; and g) systems.
In addition to the main conference, an Industrial Surveillance Day will encourage companies to demonstrate their products and/or prototypes to a broader scientific audience. It will offer a demo/poster session and a panel discussion during which companies will be given the opportunity to discuss technical challenges, application fields of end users, and future trends with experts from the field.
Three workshops on closely related topics will also be held: the 2nd Int. Workshop on Multimedia Systems for Surveillance (MMSS), Resources AWare Sensor and surveillance NETworkS (RAWSNETS), and Activity Monitoring by Multi-Camera Surveillance systems (AMMCSS).
AVSS was started in 1998 (Genoa, Italy). Following meetings were held in 2001 (Kingston, UK), in 2003 (Miami, USA), in 2005 (Como, Italy), in 2006 (Sydney, Australia), in 2007 (London, UK), in 2008 (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA), in 2009 (Genoa, Italy) and in 2010 (Boston, USA).
--Posted by Conard Holton
Vision Systems Design