Devising Lighting Solutions for Machine Vision Applications

Join John Salls in this practical webinar as he illuminates the essentials of selecting and implementing the right lighting solutions to elevate your machine vision applications.
November 20, 2024
4:00 PM UTC
1 hour

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No matter the machine vision application, it always begins with the same thing—light. In this practical webinar, John Salls will cover the fundamentals of selecting, deploying, and implementing lighting solutions. He will discuss general lighting technologies, how to pick the best light for your application, and methods for adjusting lighting as needed for successful machine vision applications.


John Salls

Founder and Owner

Vision ICS

John Salls is a 28-year veteran of the machine vision industry. In 2003, he founded Vision ICS, which focuses on integrating machine vision systems into industrial applications. He has installed more than 1,000 machine vision systems in industries such as automotive, food and beverage, and medical devices.