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  • Volume 17, Issue 6
  • Volume 17, Issue 6

    More content from Volume 17, Issue 6

    Newstrnds3f1 1206vsd

    IMAGE SENSORS: Smart filter increases dynamic range of cameras

    In many machine-vision and image-processing systems, it is necessary to image scenes that contain very bright and very dark regions—especially in security systems that are often...
    June 1, 2012
    Trends2b Cameras 1206vsd

    MACHINE-VISION SOFTWARE: Consortium rises to challenge of benchmarking software

    Despite the numerous machine-vision software packages now available, there is still no means to properly benchmark their performance.
    June 1, 2012
    Trends1 Tomatoplant 1206vsd

    ENVIRONMENT/AGRICULTURE: Vision system sorts tomato seedlings

    A plant growing company sought help from an agrifood research organization in the Netherlands in developing an automated vision system that could classify tomato seedlings by ...
    June 1, 2012
    Snap3 Flir 1206vsd

    Thermal cameras monitor district heating networks

    Engineers at Termisk Systemteknik have mounted an infrared (IR) camera to a small plane to take aerial thermal images and produce thermal maps of Swedish cities, monitoring district...
    June 1, 2012
    Snap4 Ocr A 1206vsd

    Optical character recognition system hits the highway

    Transport Data Systems (San Diego, CA, USA) has developed an optical character recognition (OCR) system that can identify trucks at weigh and inspection stations in challenging...
    June 1, 2012
    Snap2 Birds 1206vsd

    Image algorithms analyze bird behavior

    Researchers from the University of Lincoln (Lincoln, UK) are developing algorithms that analyze video data from a population of seabirds to determine the causes of declining colonies...
    June 1, 2012
    Snap1 Moths A 1206vsd

    High-speed cameras capture moth motion

    Tyson Hedrick, an assistant professor in the Department of Biology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC, USA) is using three high-speed cameras ...
    June 1, 2012
    Andywilson 1206vsd

    Shark tank

    Late one night I came across a television program called "Shark Tank." This American "reality" TV show, based on Sony Pictures' "Dragons' Den," features a panel of five money-...
    June 1, 2012