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  • Volume 25, Issue 5
  • Volume 25, Issue 5

    Bora Tof Sensor Cmos Teledyne E2v Hero
    Cameras and Accessories

    Time of Flight sensors target high-speed 3D machine vision tasks

    June 15, 2020
    Small pixel arrays to 1.3 MPixel ToF sensors enable disparate imaging applications.
    Autonomous Kitchen Robot Miso Robotics Flippy Oil Draining Hero

    Could vision-guided robots be key to keeping the restaurant industry afloat?

    June 15, 2020
    Faced with restrictions stemming from the novel coronavirus, restaurants may eventually benefit from machine vision adoption.
    Figure 1: Non-contact thermal imaging has emerged as a popular method for checking someone’s temperature.
    Cameras and Accessories

    Thermal imaging: Learn the limits of elevated body temperature screening

    June 15, 2020
    Everything you need to know about using thermal imaging cameras for identifying potentially sick people.
    3 D Printed Face Mask Initial Design Hero
    Cameras and Accessories

    3D scanners and printers enable rapid reusable N95 mask production

    June 15, 2020
    Multiple organizations in Kentucky collaborate to produce a mobile station capable of creating up to 4,000 masks in a single day,
    Zebrafish Group Counting Experimental Setup Hero
    Imaging Boards and Software

    Deep learning networks track up to 100 animals simultaneously

    June 15, 2020
    Studying decisions behind individual movement allows understanding of collective movement patterns.

    More content from Volume 25, Issue 5

    Figure 1: A picture of rivet sites on an electric vehicle battery tray (left) and a 3D point cloud of the rivet sites (right).
    Factory Automation

    Machine vision battery tray inspection system uses 3D scanning

    June 15, 2020
    A pair of custom-designed PCs enable inspection of more than 680 features in 140 seconds, using robust, hardware agnostic software.
    Figure 1: Experiments made use of NASA’s K-REX2 rover, pictured here night testing in the Roverscape (left). The virtual bumper setup comprises a multi-dot laser projector and camera mounted on the leading edge of the rover (right).
    Cameras and Accessories

    Structured light system detects hazards for planetary surface navigation

    June 15, 2020
    A calibrated machine vision camera and multi-dot laser projector system provides a virtual bumper for planetary rovers.
    Flir Five Steps For Building Neural Networks
    Imaging Boards and Software

    Five steps for building and deploying a deep learning neural network

    June 15, 2020
    Accelerating machine vision implementation with deep learning is nothing to fear.
    Deep Clean System

    Stereo camera system flags potentially contaminated surfaces

    June 15, 2020
    With Deep Clean, software engineer, electronics hobbyist, and inventor Nick Bild offers an imaging method for automatically flagging potentially contaminated surfaces that require...
    Magnesium Mil Rp0092

    Digital pixel enabled infrared imaging boosts camera speed and performance

    June 15, 2020
    Early analog infrared image sensors had limitations in frame rates due to analog video bandwidth constraints. Digital and digital-pixel-enabled infrared sensors, however, support...

    Machine vision to the rescue?

    June 15, 2020
    As reluctant as I am to appear as though I’m fanning the flames of the COVID-19 news frenzy, I find myself unable to avoid the topic again in this issue. It is my hopes, though...